Porn is a male-dominated industry, centered almost entirely around male pleasure.
In a first-ever porn campaign targeted directly towards women, OnlyFans is shifting the focus away from men. We are finally giving women what they want—erotica made especially for them, focused solely on their pleasure.
Alongside these novels, we will be providing audiobook recordings. These and more erotic stories will be performed by our best audio creators, as well as our favorite sexy celebrities like Timothee Chalamet, to whisper sweet nothings to you through your headphones.
Porn has never been catered to women and what they actually want, until now.
And for those especially special nights, OnlyFans is partnering with DoorDash to deliver women just what they want. The ‘For A Woman’s Needs’ Box will include oysters, a personal bottle of wine, some strawberries… special things to elevate your much deserved alone time.
AD: Leilani Mitchell
CW: Avery Longfield